We provide expertise to organizations that need support in developing engaging and enjoyable instructional materials. Our clients have included museums, corporations, as well as  large and small nonprofit organizations. Instructional design involves the identification of  instructional goals, the selection of the best learning methodologies and the architecture of the learning experience, as well as the plan for assessment.



We work closely with organizations that wish to develop bespoke curricula. We begin with needs assessments, proceed through curriculum mapping, standards alignment (when relevant) and instructional design. Then we outline, write and test the curriculum. We offer "train the trainer" services for the organization's staff to become familiar with the curriculum and its techniques so that they can implement it at scale across the organization. 



Teaching is an art form. Athena Learning offers on-site professional development for teachers at schools. This professional development can take the form of helping teachers implement Athena's programs such as Test Prep, Spy Week, Plays, Sentence Craft or Young Historians Program---or it can take the form of supporting teachers in implementing another program or methodology that the school has selected. 
